Do Khelplay Rummy provides referral program to users? Know it all here
Online gaming has become the most-loved activity among friends and family. With the coming of modern technologies and tools, the course of online gaming has changed gradually. Earlier, gaming platforms only focused on providing maximum fun quotient to gamers. But, in recent times, gaming apps and websites like Khelplay Rummy and GetMega offer attractive referral programs as well. Gaming developers have realised that only featuring a wide variety of games won’t bring the platforms to the forefront. Rather, these platforms must offer certain promotional offers which will eventually attract new customers.
Gaming developers provide well-defined and clear referral procedures by which loyal customers can redeem the rewards. By using the refer and earn option, gamers can refer their friends and family members to play games with them on various gaming platforms and in return, they can earn real money. To make the transaction simpler, online gaming platforms also facilitate online payment methods. Here we will decipher the referral programs of Khelplay Rummy and GetMega as well as other significant features of these two platforms.
Khelplay Rummy
Khelplay Rummy is an online gaming platform that features different types of Rummy games. Here a person can participate in a series of Rummy contests and win real rewards. Khelplay Rummy’s main selling point is its extensive promotional offer. Apart from providing a great gaming experience, this app’s developers also made it a priority to attract more new customers. For that, Khelplay Rummy offers various referral rewards to loyal players. Referral programs are beneficial for both the existing gamer and the targeted customer. Only after the registration procedure gets completed by the person you are referring to, you can redeem the rewards. In addition, the app also offers a sign-up bonus to the people who have registered for the first time.
Khelplay Rummy’s other significant features include an interesting leaderboard that helps players in monitoring their rankings. Since this gaming app features only skilled-based games the leaderboards give a chance to the players to enhance their playing skills. Further, the app’s smooth UI presents a basic, engaging, straightforward and intuitive user experience. By providing attractive gameplay, Khelplay Rummy also offers a real and honest gaming experience. Like many gaming platforms, this app even allows only real and verified players.
GetMega is an online gaming platform that houses a series of interesting games based on the categories: Cards, Casual and Trivia. These games include Rummy, Poker, Carrom, Warship, GoPool, PickMe, 123 and GK. As a member of the All India Gaming Federation, GetMega is recognised as the most rewarding gaming app. This gaming app offers several exciting referral programs to the players based on two main criteria. First, the referral should be someone (friend or family member) from the referee’s contact book. Second, the referral must play one game with the referee in video chat mode. If a person is able to meet these criteria he will be awarded Rs.10. Also, if a person registers with GetMega’s portal for the first time he will receive Rs.5 as a welcome bonus which he can later redeem to play different games.
With the detailed leaderboards, players can easily keep a track of their daily performance as well as their competitors’ scores. Further, when a person is able to secure any rank in the first 10 positions of the leaderboards he/she can win exciting cash prizes. GetMega gives its access permission to only real players whose IDs have been verified via Google or Facebook profiles. Also, the app provides a user-friendly and intuitive UI that enhances the gaming experience of the players.
Online gaming platforms provide exciting referral programs to attract more people into the gaming world. Now that you have learned about the referral schemes of the above-mentioned gaming apps, select the most reliable and rewarding one.
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