Hand Specialist In Singapore: 4 Habits That Damage The Hands and Wrists

Hands can do a lot of things. Hands can paint a picture, write a poem, hurt and kill a person, and give carnal pleasure. It is marvellous to think that we use our hands in more than half of the activities we do each day. But without proper care, we end up in the OR with a hand specialist in Singapore. But what are our definitions of hand and wrist care?

Some perceive manicures and hand spas are some sorts of hand and wrist care. But the truth is, proper care of hands involves breaking unhealthy hand routines and habits.

These unhealthy hand routines may seem harmless, but in hindsight, these habits lead to the deterioration of the dexterity of your hands.

4 Routines And Habits That Damage Your Hands And Wrists

How many hours do you spend on your smartphone? Can you type on your computer super fast without looking at the computer? Using these two devices has become a staple in everyday life. In fact, according to Statista, there were more than six billion smartphone users worldwide in 2022, and in 2019, 47% of the world population had access to computers.

But did you know that using your smartphone and computers can damage your hands and wrists in the long run? Thankfully, there are ways to avoid them with the help of your hand surgeon.

Here are the habits and routines that can damage your hands and wrists:

1. Texting

Texting, in general, will do little damage to your hands if you do it occasionally. But when does texting become harmful?

Texting can be harmful when you do it more often while gripping your phone tightly.

Repetitive motion onsets joint damage. With texting, you click minuscule keys on your tiny keyboard thousands of times each day. This repetitive activity can cause joint and tendon sheath inflammation, which results in finger and hand stiffness and pain.

Additionally, gripping or holding your phone tightly while texting puts excess stress on the nerves, triggering the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome.

You may need hand surgery in Singapore to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

How to avoid:

Texting is inevitable in this day and age. What people can do is take breaks in between your chats. Some smartphones also have a speech-to-text feature.

Also, avoid gripping your phone tightly. You can type on your screen as relaxed as possible.

You can consult a hand surgeon if you are experiencing hand pain and stiffness.

2. Poor posture

Many office workers who work on their computers eight hours a day suffer from poor posture. Many health complications aggravate due to poor posture. Some of them are difficulty breathing, constipation, indigestion, and lower back pain.

In addition to these conditions is carpal tunnel syndrome or the compression of the nerves in the wrists.

When a person slouches, the shoulders pull forward, putting pressure on the neck and shoulder muscles. When your shoulder and neck muscle tightens, the strain trickles down to your arms and hands. Result? Worse carpal tunnel syndrome! You can get carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger treatment in Singapore.

How to avoid:

The first step to avoiding poor posture is not to hunch. Using ergonomic desks with adjustable back and headrests provides adequate support to your spine. You can also use an ergonomic desk which you can adjust the height.

Stretching for a few minutes each hour can also help loosen muscle tightness.

You can consult a hand specialist in Singapore if you are experiencing hand and wrist pain.

3. Typing on the computer


Besides hunching, typing on a computer at a wrong angle can cause hand and wrist pain and aggravate existing carpal tunnel syndrome.

When we are typing, we either bend our wrists too up or down. Both angles are terrible as they strain and compress the median nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel in our wrist, ergo the name of the syndrome. Prolonged incorrect typing position could lead to wearing off of the nerve.

The person may experience tingling, numbness, and weakness of the hand and arm when the median nerve is damaged. Hand surgery in Singapore can treat and alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

How to avoid:

After improving posture, you can also practise the correct hand position when typing to avoid hand and wrist pain.

As much as possible, your forearms should be the same level as your desk, as it will keep your wrists in a neutral or straight position. When the table is high, the wrists tend to bend upward. The rule of thumb is that your hands should be at or slightly below the level of your elbows.

Apart from proper typing positions, it is vital to use all ten fingers. Using only the index fingers and thumbs forces your hands to switch and glide across the keyboard.

Visit a hand surgeon if you are experiencing hand pain.

4. Carrying heavy load

People carry heavy loads frequently, whether a toddler, grocery bag, or barbel. Regularly carrying a heavy load will tax your joints in the long run.

Weighty objects create an imbalance in the body. The body exerts more force on the side that carries the load, putting stress on several joints and muscles to keep the balance and upright position. Over time, these joints and muscles wear off, causing joint pain and cartilage deterioration.

Consult a hand specialist in Singapore if you are experiencing joint pain.

How to avoid:

You can avoid them by avoiding carrying heavy loads frequently. You can use trolleys or wheeled bags when going to the groceries.

You must also learn how to carry things properly. Use two hands when lifting bags or boxes. It will keep the balance in the body. You can also use your arms in addition to your hands.

Leaning the heavy object close to your body reduces the stress in the joints.


Don’t take your hands for granted. It is hard to imagine doing things without your hands. By breaking these habits, you give your hands a break.

Otherwise, you would be visiting a hand specialist in Singapore at an early age if you continue these hand routines.

Advanced Hand, Wrist & Nerve Centre

Do you need a trigger finger treatment in Singapore? Get your hands and wrists checked at Advanced Hand, Wrist & Nerve Centre.