This is how an internship can be converted into a full time job

A lot of students do internship in order to gain some experience and learn new skills. Internship usually is done in the summer vacations when the student gets at least 2 months of holiday. Sometimes this intern can also get a full time job in the company. This has been a new method of recruitment by the companies where they select few interns to work as a full time employee after their graduation. Company does this save up the recruitment process and money as well. This is why students must work with complete dedication so that the company will be compelled to recruit the intern. Here are some steps that a student can follow to turn his internship into a full time job:-

  • Impression

This is the first thing that a intern must build to gain the trust of the supervisor and the employees of the company. The first impression must be perfect so as it increases the chances even more. The best way to gain their trust is to do some research about the organisation and the types of services they offer. This way the intern can show that he is completely interested and has some knowledge about the organisation.

  • Select the best internship

A student must not rush to get an internship anywhere. Instead, he must do well research, check different websites about the companies offering internship programmeand then choose the one that meets his expectations and which will be beneficial to his skill development. If the student has no interest, then there is no way he can get a full time job in the company. Internships are designed to teach students new skills and prepare them for future jobs. But if the student is not aware of what’s going on around, then he won’t be able to learn anything. This is why he must choose wisely about where he wants to do an internship.

  • Build a relationship with the supervisor

The intern must perform every duty that he is being asked for. He must also report to the supervisor and make sure that he is completing all the tasks successfully. The supervisor will make things clear in the start as to what the intern must do. Therefore, the intern must be dedicated towards his job and demonstrate to the supervisor about his personal initiative and his ability to work independently as well as a part of the team.

  • Always be on time

The supervisor will not like if the intern arrives late in the office. Being late is not a good thing in the company. Everything must be done in time. The tasks and assignments must also be completed on time. The company can suffer due to the delaying of tasks. Therefore by completing the tasks, the intern can impress the supervisor and even increase his chance of securing a position in the company after graduation. This is why the intern must complete all the tasks that he is being given and work with complete dedication.