5 Things To Check Before Buying VPS Web Hosting Server Online
Virtualization has led to the development of virtual servers and a cost-efficient way of having a hosting server – VPS Web Hosting. Over the years, VPS Hosting has gained popularity among site owners as it is the perfect median between Shared and Dedicated Server Hosting and allows site owners to benefit from a Dedicated Server-like hosting environment at a marginal cost. However, the performance of the website will depend upon the features of the VPS Server. Hence, it is important to choose the VPS Hosting server carefully. Today, we will share five things that you must check before buying a VPS Server online.
1. Complete Root Access
A virtual server in VPS Hosting is designed to allow users to customize the hosting environment to suit the specific needs of the website. Full root access, along with dedicated resources and account isolation, is akin to having a server dedicated to the site. Customizing is possible only if the hosting provider offers complete root access. Hence, before you buy a VPS Hosting service, ensure that the provider offers complete root access.
2. Type of storage (HDD or SSD)
Traditionally, web servers were based on Hard Disk Drives or HDDs. However, with the invention of Solid State Drives or SSDs, the server storage performance has evolved to another level. HDDs have physically moving parts that were prone to wear and tear and hence made the storage less reliable as compared to SSDs that have no moving parts and use integrated chips instead. SSDs are costlier than HDDs, making SSD-based VPS plans costlier than HDD-based ones. However, there is a marked difference in the performance of the virtual server. Ensure that you compare the two before making a choice.
3. Server Security
A VPS Server is designed to be secure. But, that doesn’t mean that all VPS Hosting plans will be highly secure. Every host has different security policies and uses different measures and tools to keep the server safe. Hence, it is important to look at the steps taken by the host to ensure server security. Try to talk to the host to understand all security-related protocols before buying.
4. Technical Support
Web hosting is a technical process. During the course of running and managing your website, you might encounter technical snags and/or glitches. All site owners might not be technically savvy, and even if they are, since the host runs and manages the infrastructure, it is important to buy the hosting service from one that offers 24×7 technical support. This ensures that your website doesn’t suffer a lot, even if it encounters technical issues.
5. Managed or Unmanaged services
Most VPS Hosting plans are available in two variants – unmanaged and managed services. For site owners who are technically proficient or have an IT team to take care of the regular maintenance of the VPS, Unmanaged VPS Hosting plans are a cheaper option. However, for most site owners, Managed VPS Hosting plans work the best since the host takes care of all the maintenance and upgrade activities. Ensure that you choose carefully.
Summing Up
Apart from the above-mentioned points, one more point to consider is the Operating System you opt for your VPS Server. Linux and Windows are the two primary Operating Systems, wherein Linux is the open-source alternative and Windows has high licensing fees. However, when it comes to ease of usage, Windows wins by a margin. Also, most users are comfortable working on the Windows interface. But, if you need cheap and highly customizable VPS plans, Linux VPS Servers are the better option.
The following video lists down 5 factors you must consider to buy a Linux VPS Hosting plan:
A VPS is a powerful hosting server. However, every website is different and has unique hosting needs. Hence, before you purchase a VPS Hosting plan, ensure that you assess the hosting requirements of your site and choose a plan that helps you offer an optimum site experience to visitors. Good Luck!