Preventing Flood Damage to Your Yard

Hurricane season is upon us, but it doesn’t take a category 5 hurricane to cause standing water on your property. A good storm can cause water damage, breed insects and create a messy yard situation. The best cure is to put mitigating systems in place before the first raindrop falls.

Elevate Equipment

The key to keeping outdoor equipment and structures safe from rising water is to raise them up higher. Not only does this give you extra security if water starts to accumulate on the ground, but it also gives you easier access to make repairs to the underside of add-ons. For example, an elevated concrete deck allows natural drainage which will prevent structural damage helping you extend the lifespan of your patio. HVAC equipment should also be raised as replacing these units damaged by floods is extremely costly. Experts recommend raising HVAC equipment at least a foot above the base flood elevation.

Drain the Yard

There are several different options for drains to keep standing water out of yards which is important for pest control as well as keeping the integrity of your foundation sound.

French Drain

 One of the more popular and attractive systems is the French drain. This system involves burying a pipe with a perforated top around the perimeter of your house and sloping down towards the street. The drain can be covered with colored rocks or gravel so that it looks like a decorative garden border.

Grassy Swale

Another type of drainage that is both environmentally friendly and appealing is a grassy swale. To create a swale, a mound of dirt covered with grass is raised near the house with a very specific gradient to encourage water to drain away from the house. A swale blends in nicely as part of the yard.

Drywell System

A drywell drain may seem invasive, but it is actually environmentally friendly. In this type of system, a large porous tank is buried in your yard. Drainage water is piped into the tank. Because of its permeable exterior, the water then drains naturally and at its own rate back into the soil. The tank will hold the extra water if the ground is already saturated.

The key to keeping your home safe during heavy rainfall is to first keep your equipment and structures out of standing water. Next, keep the water moving off your property by providing systems that encourage water to head for the storm drains. Keeping dry is all about prevention.