For Everything You Need To Do With Your PDF, Use PDFBear

How often do you use pdf for your documents? For me, I can say most of the time. I always convert my reports to pdf files when sending an email. I think pdf is a standard for files nowadays. Even when submitting a resume, most companies ask for a pdf copy of it for your application.

One of the problems for submitting a pdf file through email is the capacity. The attachment size limit standard is 25 MB. This limit is minimal, especially if your files have a high-resolution image attached to it. The good thing is we have PDFBear.

Compress PDF

Reducing the content of your file will be a hassle. So that’s why PDF Bear is here to help you compress pdf file online free. All you need to do is go to their website, upload your file by selecting it, or drag & drop at the page.

Then it will ask you to choose an option between Basic and Strong compression. After selecting an option, the file will be analyzed and compressed. And finally, it will be available for download or sharing online.

Perks on using PDFBear

PDFBear is a legitimate website that you can use for free. With their PDF Resizer, the data or file you uploaded to their server will be permanently deleted after you downloaded it. No remaining copies will be produced, giving us a sense of security in using their service.

PDFBear is the perfect software for email works. As I previously mentioned, I mostly work with emails, and I could say that it was fortunate that I found this free service. It helps me a lot with my work, and the quality of my pdf file remains the same.

It doesn’t matter whether you are using a Mac, Windows, or Linux because the PDF Compress tool supports these platforms. It is a great win for anyone who operates different platforms at the same time; you will only need an internet connection and a browser.

Another feature of their PDF Compression tool is shareability. It means you can access your compressed pdf file anywhere in the world. You could download it on your Laptop, Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone.

Other Free Services Offered by PDFBear

PDF Conversion. From PDF file to word, excel, PowerPoint, jpg, etc. You can do it for free using PDFBear. Oh, didn’t I tell you that you could do it vice-versa? Yes, you can. This tool is handy if you have a pdf file that you need to edit. All you need to do is convert it to a word or other format you need.

Organize PDF. This tool is fantastic; you could merge, split, or even delete a specific page on your PDF file. Imagine if you have an extra page that you forgot to delete, and you already converted the original file to pdf. You can easily remove that page using this tool.

The merging tool is also useful if you have two different documents that you need to combine to repair PDF. If you have a corrupted PDF file, then you may use it and try to recover it. This tool is fantastic if you need to recover a critical file, I haven’t used this myself, but it will be sure handy in the future.


This free website is powerful. You could almost do anything with PDFBear to your PDF File. You can explore the site for other features that I did not mention above. This website also supports different languages, so if you don’t speak English, you may select the language you speak and use the tool efficiently.