Handling your Cat on a Raw Diet When on Holiday

A raw diet might not be the easiest for most cat owners because it has several challenges. Apart from the fact that the transition may take too long and thus become very discouraging to try, there are also aspects of whether it will be safe to do the same when on holiday. Unlike kibble, which can be left in the dish for a while when away, the same cannot be said for raw cat food.

If you don’t find someone trustworthy to be left behind with the cat and take care of its needs, it can be a disturbing ordeal when on holiday. Rather than halt your life and stay back just because you are a pet owner, one may want to find solutions. Many often result in kibble as it is more convenient and manageable than other options.

Fortunately, you do not have to cut your trip short just because you do not have a good neighbor, friend, or relative that can watch over the cat when you are away. There are specialized service providers who can be of assistance to you.

Rather than let the cat struggle with your absence, you can have the specialist take charge and ensure it lacks nothing. This way, your cat can still enjoy the holidays as you do the same. Below are the different ways these experts help, and you don’t have to change your cat’s diet to accommodate your holiday needs.

  • They’ll visit your home and serve raw pet food twice a day. You do not have to change the cat’s location if this is what you prefer.
  • They offer daily visits and have automatic feeders that allow your pet to enjoy its daily serving of raw pet food from Houston Raw Pet Food.
  • Introduce raw or wet food if the cat is a kibble addict. The specialist will ensure that your cat gets the nutrition it deserves even when you are away. You don’t have to stop the transition when they can take over from you.
  • If you prefer the company to take the cat or dog, then your food supplier can be redirected to the pets’ new homes to continue with your routine feeding.
  • Alternatively, you can allow them to feed the cat some quality canned raw pet food while you are away.
  • You can leave the cat’s favorite herbs and toys so that it can feel safe with a few of its usual stuff in the new environment.

It is possible to travel for summer or any other holiday and still take care of your cat’s needs without bringing them along. You do not have to change your cat’s diet completely just because you are away and have no seater. Consider getting help by contracting the service of a home shelter and have them continue with the raw diet that your cat is already on. Changing the cat diet can be detrimental.