Making Adjustments to Your Way of Life to Increase the Longevity of Your Dental Implants
The ability of dental implants to integrate with the jawbone is one of their primary benefits; this enables them to provide superior support for prosthetic teeth. Because of this, dental implants can look, feel, and function similarly to natural teeth, so you can continue to eat the foods you enjoy most, smile widely, and confidently brush your teeth.
Dental implants are startlingly comparable to real teeth, and just like any other bone or limb, they can be cared for by a range of lifestyle choices in the same way that you would care for any other bone or limb. Listed below are some examples in this category. A family and cosmetic dentist can help you understand this better.
Improve Your Dietary Habits
When considering the overall health of the dental implant, one of the most significant factors to consider is the integrity of the bone tissue that serves as an anchor for the implant. Changing your food is one way to improve your bone health and make your dental implant stronger. Bone health is dependent on the quality of your diet.
Calcium and vitamin D are two nutrients that are extremely important to bone health. If you believe that you could gain some health benefits from an increase in the following nutrients, you should eat more of the following foods:
- Products derived from dairy cows, such as milk, cheese, and ice cream
- Greens of various vegetables
- foods made from soy, such as tofu
- Nuts
- Orange juice
- Cereals with Additional Nutrients
- Fish fat and oil.
Stop Using Tobacco.
Using nicotine in any form, including smoking, is one of the most significant risk factors for implant failure. As a vasoconstrictor, nicotine can reduce the amount of blood that flows to the mouth, adding to the damage already caused by tobacco smoke’s effects on the gums and teeth. Because of this, your teeth and bones may not be as strong as they may be.
It is normally recommended that patients refrain from smoking for a period of two weeks leading up to the dental implant surgery and for three months after the procedure. If you’ve already reached that point, you might as well throw in the towel for good.
Practicing Good Oral Hygiene regularly
Last but not least, you should take precautions to avoid getting an infection in your jaw or gums since this could be the factor that is of the utmost importance. If your gum disease is bad enough, peri-implantitis, which occurs when gum disease extends to the jawbone, might jeopardize your dental implant if it develops. This condition is called “peri-implantitis.”
Thankfully, the severity of gum disease can be avoided with relatively little effort. To maintain proper dental hygiene, you need to brush and floss your teeth consistently and see your dentist at least twice a year.