Red Flags You Should be Aware of When Buying CBD Oil

According to the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis, as much as 6 million people have used Cannabidiol-containing products like oils, capsules and CBD balm in the United Kingdom in 2019. Among these are the more than 1.3 regular users who rely on CBD products for a wide variety of health reasons.

This rapid rise in consumer popularity of legal CBD products is attributed to the growing awareness and education among the populace regarding the benefits of CBD products. UK residents can also get access to these products from reputable suppliers and shops. But while law-abiding suppliers are keen on providing quality products to consumers, some unscrupulous entities are intent in tricking the general public from their hard-earned monies.

One strategy used by these unlawful entities include making outrageous claims about their CBD products, giving the impression that these products are cure-alls with miraculous properties. Making such claims is both unethical and illegal – sure red flag signs that consumers wanting to buy legal CBD oil should be aware of.

Other red flags to be aware of includes the questionable source of hemp where these products came from, lack of lab results performed by a reputable third-party, the questionably low price tags, their refusal or avoidance to communicate or give useful information, and the bad reviews from those who have previously bought from them. You can learn more about these red flags from this interesting infographic brought to you by Love CBD. Check it out avoid being a victim of these unlawful individuals.
