Relationship between Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illness
Both mental illness and substance abuse lead to negative consequences for users, whether directly or indirectly. Why does a psychologically unwell person drink heavily? It is impossible for any knowledgeable person to doubt the degree of correlation between the two terms. It is both obvious and evident to both the layman and the professional that mental illness and substance use are linked. There are a wide range of mental disorders, each with varying levels of severity. There is a high rate of coexistence between psychiatrists and drug addicts. There is no explanation for this, but it may be the strangest aspect of mental illness. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) published a study in the journal Science Focus indicating a connection between mental illness and addiction. There is evidence that individuals with mental disabilities are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs.
Why Do Mental Illness and Addiction Happen Together?
Even if addiction and mental illness have a high comorbidity rate, this does not always mean they caused each other-even if one came first. Several criteria must still be considered, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. For instance, drug misuse can cause a person to exhibit some of the symptoms of mental illness. It is possible that mental problems can lead to substance abuse, since some people use substances as a self-medication, for instance, marijuana users are at an increased risk of psychosis. It has been shown that nicotine in tobacco products relieves specific schizophrenia symptoms and improves cognitive function.
Additionally, some studies have indicated that addictions and mental disorders may be caused by underlying brain deficiencies, hereditary effects, and/or early life trauma. The genetic component accounts for about 40% – 60% of an individual’s propensity to be addicted. There are several areas of the human genome associated with an increased risk of substance abuse and mental illness.
Addiction and mental illness are also linked by the age at which symptoms first appear. Teenage years are a time when people are still developing, maturing, and growing. Adolescence causes considerable changes to the brain as a result. Young people, for example, are more prone to taking risks and acting rashly. Addiction and other mental illnesses can be caused by these activities, even though they are common among teenagers.
Furthermore, people who have suffered from physical or emotional abuse are more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Soldiers returning to the country should consider this link especially carefully. One out of every five military personnel who return from Iraq and Afghanistan exhibits PTSD symptoms or serious depression.
Visit Mallard Lake Detox Center Today To Learn More About The Link Between Addiction and Mental Illness.
In order to achieve recovery, it is crucial for your treatment center to accurately identify both an addiction and a mental health problem. Recovery is more likely when this is done. It is important, however, to be aware of comorbidity in order to achieve this goal. Misdiagnosis and incomplete treatment of one illness are common. Co-existing diseases are being recognized and treated more effectively, which will lessen the social stigma that prevents people from seeking treatment. Contact Mallard Lake Detox Center today to learn more about the connection between mental illness and addiction.